Tuesday, September 6, 2011

What has 10 toes and is awesome?

I know your first thought is to jump straight to me, BUT NO not in this case. IT'S MY NEW VIBRAMS!!! I thought I was going to have to wait until Christmas or something but for whatever reason (I am not complaining) Paige decided that we should go and take advantage of the Labor Day sales (of which didn't even apply to the vibrams) and after a lot of thoughtful pondering and reflection I consented!! I will post a picture of a my new totally awesome shoes as soon as I can find the camera but I did some light running in them and it felt pretty good except for one thing that I found out about my feet, or I guess my foot. My second toe on my left foot is really long. It sticks out farther than my big toe; more than it sticks out farther than my big toe on my right foot. HOW STUPID IS THAT!!! I should count myself lucky though. I was born with my feet on backwards. No, not backwards, but on the wrong feet. What I mean is that my left foot was on the right leg and vice versa. At least that is what I gather from the pictures of me as a baby. Anyways, Paige is making some slight modifications to my vibrams to make them ultra personalized. And who knows, maybe my freak toe long-ness will come in handy if I need an edge in racing or if I'm in jail and the guards drop the keys just out of reach of my right foot second toe and then BAM!! I use my other toe AND I'M FREE!!!! No jail can hold me. I digress. Where was I? Goats........no..........running. Goats running? No. Just running. Ok so i ran in my new favorite shoes and HOLY CRAP it has discovered muscles I never knew I had and certainly had never ever ever used before in my entire life!! I can barely walk!! I have had to steam-roller everywhere and do you know how many questions you get when you are steam-rollering to see patients? 7!! 7 Questions!! I don't have time to go into all of them. The vibram people weren't kidding when they said ease into it slowly!

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