Thursday, September 1, 2011

In the big inning

Hi, you have no doubt accidentally stumbled upon my blog. I strongly suggest you turn back now because even the smallest glimpses into my mind can cause irritable bowel syndrome. That seems appropriate based off of the title of my blog, but this blog is actually about running, not the runs (although don't be surprised if something about fecal matter ends up posted here). I read a book called "Born to Run" and was infected with the urge to run. And run. And run. That was several weeks ago and I am yet to get above 1.5mph. BUT TODAY IS THE DAY FOR REAL!!! Unless I find something else to do, but that is the purpose of this blog, to help motivate me by keeping track of my running. My ultimate goal? Marathons. Ironmans. Ultras. Being the first to run across the English channel. Yes, my goals might be lofty and in some cases not likely, but I am not a goal oriented person, so the fact that i have them is a HUGE leap forward. Ok, enough of this drivel, I'm going running, I'll probably be back in about 5 minutes.

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