Thursday, September 1, 2011

This is going to be trickier than i thought

Soooooooo, here's what happened: I was all ready to go out and run a full on marathon. I was stretched (even the little toes), i was hydrated, my shoes were tied and out the door a go..........oh wait NO!!! Turns out that paige was having a crisis of universal proportions. She was hungry. and sleepy. The sleepiness prevents her from being able to get food and the food prevents her from getting the energy she needs to be alive etc etc etc. So instead of running, i now have to pick up my wife and carry her to the car and take her to Potbelly. I wasn't even hungry but i didn't want to be rude at the sandwich shop so i ordered something as well. I told myself that i wouldn't eat my sandwich until i had gone running but paige informed me that my sandwich would become soggy and gross if i didn't eat it right away! Sooooooo, i ate my sammich. Then i went running. Then i almost barfed. I actually only did two laps around the park behind our house which is about not quite a half mile. Lets say it was 2/5ths of a mile. Lesson learned: don't run right after eating. Even if i hadn't eaten, i don't think i would have lasted much longer. I didn't realize just how far out of shape i had become but at least i got out there today. You have to start somewhere, right?

1 comment:

  1. Sure...blame it on me. I didn't see you putting up much of a fight!
